
Protecting Your Grass From Lawn Mites During Winter

During the cold winter months, lawn mites may not be so prevalent since they don’t like water, moisture or snow, but that doesn’t mean that you should drop your guard. Any areas of your lawn that might dry out on a sunny day, whether the temperature is cold or not, will immediately become susceptible to lawn mites, and these little critters can do a lot of damage to a beautiful looking lawn.

What are lawn mites?

Lawn mites are tiny little garden pests that may be tricky to spot with an untrained, naked eye. However, while they may be tiny in size, the damage they cause can be huge, and common species include the Clover mite and Bermuda grass mite.

How can you protect your lawn from mites during winter?

If you get a few dry days in a row, it’s a good idea to grab your hose or run a sprinkler for an hour or two to soak the lawn and keep it moist.

Alternatively – or additionally – you could have a professional lawn care company spray your lawn with a winter mite control treatment. While it’s common practice to treat a lawn for mites or any other type of pest once they’ve been spotted, doing so can be incredibly hard, and their presence is usually only recognised because the lawn has begun to show signs of damage.

However, calling in the professionals to treat your lawn before mites have a chance to ruin it, is generally seen as a good preventative measure. That said, it’s essential that you have experts carry out the treatment for you, since the use of pesticides can be even more damaging for a lawn if done wrongly, and over-use of pesticides usually spells death for lawns.What you don’t want to happen, is for spring to arrive and just when you want to start using your lawn again, you find out that it looks terrible due to mite damage, and may take weeks if not months to be restored to its former glory.

If you’re at all concerned that your lawn might not look green and lush in time for spring, Then why not schedule a consultation with a lawn care specialist, who can assess your lawn and provide you with preventative treatments if necessary. The cost of doing this usually outweighs the cost of having to repair your damaged lawn, and it will certainly save you time and ensure that your lawn is looking great by the time the warmer months arrive.